Thursday, May 28, 2009


i can't wait till summer. i love to go swimming. it is so much fun. going on water slides and jumping into the water. i love to hang out with my friends. i have sleepovers and hang out and go swimming together. its just so much fun. i love to sleep in!!!!!!! no waking up early or having to go to school or having your mom or dad push you out of bed. its just so much fun.


NJASK is soooooooo boring. all you do the whole time is work and write and stupid stuff. its really boring and if anyone likes the NJASK they have mental problems. We had to do language arts and math. the language arts was really easy and so was the math. well thats all i have to say about the NJASK so bye.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


lying is a horrible thing to do. unless you are telling someone they have a good outfit then its ok. i think it is a mean thing to do other wise. lying is just mean. if you lie you a teacher you are most likely to be cought. I really dont like it when people lie to me. then they aren't telling the truth.